We've had a stretch of decent weather, warm enough to be outside and time to be there. Don strung up the newest grape arbor, also a fence to protect the tulips and daffodils from kid feet. Kaleigh and I put a fence on the lowest 15" of it, and planted peas by it. We also planted Kaleigh's pink seedless grapes, plus two red currant bushes. I'm excited.
Seedlings are starting to come up in the seed trays. I have asparagus, rhubarb, arctic kiwi--much cheaper from seed, although they take a little longer that way. Also coming up are the dozens of open-pollinated heirloom tomatoes, seed saved from our friends' Gus and Andy's delicious tomatoes. I hope to have enough to keep me supplied with pasta sauce and ketchup, plus share with anyone who wants to grow their own and rediscover what tomatoes taste like.

Kaleigh has been enjoying the warm weather. Yesterday she grew, overnight. She woke up huge yesterday, and clumsy. First thing, she fell down the porch steps, and somehow managed to trip and stumble all day long. Poor kid. Today was better, fortunately, especially because gymnastics class was this morning. We also went to the library and were recommended the All of a Kind Family books, which are great so far. I love to see the pictures of old wood and coal stoves, people sitting around enjoying each other with no tv in sight. This book also has a lot about Jewish culture in New York from the turn of the century, so we're both learning a lot. This picture is Kaleigh with her friends Destini and Tink. They made a birthday cake. Can you see the candles?
Our friends Mike and Abby are back in town for a couple of weeks visiting. It has been great hanging out, talking, sharing ideas and information. They've been having a great adventure the last couple of years, getting a good education without indenturing themselves to enslavement to pay back overpriced loans. They are learning so much about gardening, herbs, living off-grid--so much. I'm glad to have them as friends and I'm really glad they can come back and visit!
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