Here is Kaleigh, standing proudly on the only thing that is remotely a hill, the sawdust pile, where our old American elm tree once stood. For the flat land, it does pretty good. Kaleigh was intently interested in the snow, eating quite a bit of it, walking on it, trying to find good sledding spots--in addition to the sawdust hill, there was some good sledding off of downed trees, with a little snow packed up to fill in the gaps--just generally walking around, trying things out--learning! Don buried Kaleigh in snow, at her request. Some neighborhood kids came over, and they took turns sledding down the slide. Kaleigh was the only one who fell off, and she landed on her cheek. Kaleigh took off her coat, because sledding was so warm, and thankfully none of the neighbors called me in for neglect because my daughter has a high metabolism.
Kaleigh's friend Grace and her dad Mark picked up Don and Kaleigh the next day and took them out to their farm ( www.hickorylick.com ), which borders a creek. A creek in Illinois means...a hill! They had a good time sledding for quite a while. I had a magnificent time being stuck in the house for the weekend, sewing. I ripped apart the quilt I made for Kaleigh last year. The fabric is good for curtains, but not good for quilts, too ravelly. It's a loooong project, but the end is near.
Kaleigh and I tromped through the thick fog on Monday to the YMCA for culture club (discussing Chinese New Year) and swimming. The fog was so thick, we couldn't see our bus stop from the next block! Later, it was freezing fog, which made for a pretty winter scene, and I was glad to be home.
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